1980s Hartl Powercrusher HPC 203P


        Purchased by Gerald Tatro in the mid-1980s, our Hartl Powercrusher works with our screening plant to screen and crush rocks through a cyclical process: The rough product is placed on the screening plant, which filters out anything larger than 1 1/4” and is then considered the finished product. That which is filtered out is sent to the crusher plant where it is broken down and sent back to the screening plant. This continues until all the original rough product becomes refined.


        This process produces the gravel known as crusher run. The Hartl Powercrusher produces an estimated 1,125 – 1,500 tons of product a day. This is exceptionally fast when it comes to producing gravel, but it comes at a cost. “It’s a very high maintenance machine,” explains Brian Loucks, a mechanic at G.W. Tatro. “Usually every 20,000 yards of material you’ve gotta change out the hammers… All the steel plates we have to cut by hand because you can’t buy them anymore.” These keeps our operators and mechanics busy—but the result is worth it!



Equipment Categories: Crushers,